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ACNE VULGARIS AND HOMEOPATHY Have you spent a fortune on various products and medications which affirm to give you a perfect skin - only to realize that your condition becomes worse and worse? From age 10 to 40 and beyond, Acne is a condition that apprehends almost everyone at some time in their lives. Acne also known as Pimples is the expression for plugged pores that crop up on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne can lead to perpetual scarring causing significant impact on a person's outlook on life which could lead to lack of self-confidence, anxiety and depression. Acne Vulgaris surfaces in various shapes, size and different colors: Whiteheads: These appear when a pore is entirely blocked, trapping oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells causing a white appearance on the surface. Blackheads: These materialize when a pore is only partially blocked, allowing the trapped oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells to slowly drain to the surface.