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Top natural homeopathic medicine for warts cure & treatment Punjab,india

Warts are actually benign tumors of the epidermis caused by a virus. The virus responsible is the human papillomavirus (HPV), a double-stranded DNA virus. The virus resides in the bottom layer of the epidermis and replicates into almost normal-looking skin. Different sub-types of HPV cause different types of warts. Some human papillomavirus subtypes also cause cervical cancer and other more obscure types of wart-related cancers For more detail of disease go to link Three remedies are prescribed more often than any other – Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.), Nitricum acidum (Nit-ac.) and Thuja occidentalis (Thuj.). Read on for the descriptions of these three and other common wart remedies. Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.): Hard, smooth warts that often appear in groups. Irritability and a thickly coated white tongue also suggest the need for this remedy. The person may also overeat and have various digestive complaints. Caustic