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Hair Falling or alopecia Homepathic treatment india punjab

Hair Loss : Alopecia

Hair loss is one of the most distressing symptoms a patient can have, not because of its life-threatening nature, but because the fear of baldness, and its accompanying social stigma, is so great in our society. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has little to offer sufferers of hair loss, particularly when they have the form known as alopecia areata. This is where patches of skin become very sparse, with small stumpy hairs known as "exclamation mark hairs". In some people the condition is restricted to small, easily disguised areas, However, in the more unfortunate, it can spread to involve the whole scalp and sometimes other areas on the body. The majority of patients regain their hair, eventually, but it usually takes several months, or even years, to regrow.
The hair is the richest ornament of women’ - thus said Martin Luther but he would have surely wanted to change his quote had he lived in present times. Whether its women or men, they hold hair to be equally precious in today’s scenario and alopecia areata can be a big cause of concern for both.
Alopecia areata is loss of hair in patches. Although it can affect any hair-bearing area of the body, the term mostly connotes patchy hair loss from the scalp. The condition, though it is benign in most cases, can cause tremendous emotional and psychosocial stress in affected patients.
Homeopathy can effectively and safely relieve the patients from this condition when opted for at the right time. We have the expertise and experience of treating thousands of cases of alopecia and giving good relief to a large number of patients. Come and experience for yourself the wonderful effects of Homeopathy

alopeciaareata homoeopathic treatment 
Amongst all hair disorders, none arouse as much interest as alopecia areata. The reason for this is the uniqueness with which the disease presents itself:
  • Alopecia can affect people of any age - from infancy right up to the 80s
  • It can affect any part of the body
  • This condition can progress very rapidly leading to complete loss of scalp hair in a span as short as 15 days or can limit itself to one small persistent patch throughout a person's life
  • It has phases of remissions and relapses even whilst the patient is on medication, and in few rare cases it’s known to relapse even 20 years after the first episode
Basically, alopecia areata is a condition in which there is patchy loss of hair from the scalp. The condition can affect any part of the body as mentioned before but it is most commonly seen on the scalp. In certain cases it can extend to eyebrows, eyelashes, facial hair (beard, moustache) and can give rise to bald spots anywhere on the body.
Here are some of the features that are characteristic of alopecia areata:
  • Hair falls out in small patches leaving bald spots about the size of a small coin
  • There may be single or multiple such patches
  • The bald spots may remain static or may spread to involve larger areas of the scalp
  • In certain cases, hair loss is more extensive
  • Uncommonly, it may progress to total loss of hair on the head (alopecia areata totalis) or complete loss of hair all over the body (alopecia areata universalis)K

Causes of Hair loss in male :
alopeciaareata homoeopathic treatment 
The cause of hair loss in men is very similar to the cause of hair loss in women when it comes to the medical aspect of hair loss. There are some diseases and medications that can cause men to lose their hair and in some cases it is inherited.  However men don't usually lose hair because of mismanagement of chemicals, such as those used in dyse or braids and things like that as women do. Nevertheless balding is a bigger problem with men's hair loss than with women.

Balding is a normal process that develops in certain degrees in all men. This process is influenced by the male hormone called androgen. Hormones are produced in the body and send massages to stimulate every part of the body and this includes the follicles of the hair. Balding can also be passed down from generation to generation and can be inherited from both sides of the family.

Balding is due to a progressive miniaturization of individual hair follicles which become smaller and have shorter growth cycles. The hairs become smaller and narrower and the number of follicles remains the same. A man that is bald has the same number of follicles in his head as a man with a full head of hair.

The extent of the baldness varies as some men have a small recession of hair in the front while some lose their hair on the center of the scalp, which ends up as a bald spot and some end up with just a thinning of the hair all over the head or the extreme is complete baldness.

There are some things that can be done for baldness if the causes are such things as ringworm. This is where small patches of hair loss occur but it is associated with the ringworm itself, which can be treated with medication with good results.
Causes of Hair loss in Females:
There are many reasons that can be the cause of female hairloss. We all lose a certain amount of hair on a daily basis, but with some people this hair loss can become extreme. An illness can be one of those reasons that would make some of our hair fall out and hormonal problems can also have the same effect in women. If you have an overactive or underactive thyroid problem, you can end up with the same problem. There are also medicines that can cause hair loss as well as some infections, such as a fungal infection of the scalp. There is also a threat to the hair if you have diseases such as diabetes or lupus. Women can also become bald as well as men. This happens when the hair starts thinning drastically over the entire head.

Hair loss can also be attributed to mismanagement of your hair. If your hair is not properly taken care of, it will start breaking down and falling out. This applies to people that wear pigtails or corn rows and also those that damage their hair by using too many chemicals on the hair, such as those used in the dying process. In this case you can develop what is known as alopecia and this involves excessive pulling of the hair especially along the facial area. If this is continued, it can lead to scarring of the scalp and the hair will not grow back in these areas. Perms and the chemicals used for them can also cause this problem such as scaring and hair loss, as well as hair rollers, braids and weaves.

Today's hairdressers are moving toward the more natural look in women's hair. There are many things that you will find on the market that will give you the look you want without doing damage to the roots of your hair. The only way to go in the present day world is natural for a look of healthy happy hair.
alopeciaareata homoeopathic treatment 
Did you know that you lose up to 100 hairs from your scalp every day?
That's normal, and in most people, those hairs grow back. But many men -- and some women -- lose hair as they grow older. You can also lose your hair if you have certain diseases, such as thyroid problems, diabetes or lupus. If you take certain medicines or have chemotherapy for cancer, you may also lose your hair. Other causes are stress, a low protein diet, a family history or poor nutrition.
Treatment for hair loss depends on the cause. In some cases, treating the underlying cause will correct the problem. Other treatments include medicines and hair restoration.

What is the normal cycle of hair growth and loss?

The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 3 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.

It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

What causes excessive hair loss?

A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.

Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss.

Many women notice hair loss about 3 months after they've had a baby. This loss is also related to hormones. During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts again.

Some medicines can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss improves when you stop taking the medicine. Medicines that can cause hair loss include blood thinners (also called anticoagulants), medicines used for gout, high blood pressure or heart problems, vitamin A (if too much is taken), birth control pills and antidepressants.

Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines.

Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Can certain hairstyles or treatments cause hair loss?

Yes. If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia (say: al-oh-pee-sha). If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents (also called "perms") may cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss.
alopeciaareata homoeopathic treatment
Myth & facts:
These are a few of the common myths heard by physicians and hair loss specialists:
  • Combing your hair weakens the hair follicles if hair are wet .
  • 100 strokes of the hair brush daily will create healthier hair as increse blood supply while combing hairs
  • Washing you hair on a daily basis increases hair loss.As people use dryer to dry hair .
  • Hats,turban and wigs cause alopecia if you are sweating too much in these covering.Excessive sweating of the scalp causes hair loss.
  • Shaving one's head will cause the hair to grow back thicker
  • Frequent shampooing contributes to alopecia if it is chemical use herbal or homeopathic Shampoo.
  • Standing on one's head will cause increased circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth.
  • Dandruff may causes permanent alopecia.
  • There are cosmetic products like serum that will cause the hair to grow thicker and faster.
  • Alopecia does not occur at younger age .
  • Alopecia affects only intellectuals. 
alopeciaareata homoeopathic treatment
Homoeopathic Treatment:
Homeopathy can be remarkably effective on the overwhelming condition of Alopecia Aerata. There are a number of features that make Homeopathy exclusive and desirable .It is free of side effects & no dependency.
Homeopathy works so beautifully in these cases is that it targets the altered immunity or Immune system of the patient and brings it back to normal over a period of time. Thus the results are long-lasting and not just superficial in nature.
Constitutional treatment can also help to prevent relapses of the condition and impart good health in general. The best part about the treatment is that it is non habit-forming and without any side effects whatsoever.
The duration of treatment may vary from case to case and depends on a lot of factors. Cases of chronic nature with widespread affection, fast progress and presence of other systemic illness take longer duration to be treated.As we are not using steroids. On the other hand, cases of recent origin with limited spread show a faster response in weeks .
Homeopathy offers a wider range of option than conventional medicine. Rather than prescribing strong and addictive drugs, Homeopathic treatment of Alopecia is constitutional having a holistic approach and believing in the concept of treating the whole person. Hence, Homeopathic remedies take into account the patient's mental, emotional and physical attributes. Homeopath like Tailor Prescribe Unique remedy according to there body need or deficencies. Homeopathic medicines are safe and free of side effects as they are prepared from natural substances under strict guidelines established by the FDA. This is favorable to patients with autistic disorders as many of them are very sensitive overall and to medication. Generally, the changes from Homeopathic treatment are slow and progressive. Homeopathic treatment is not a quick fix but needs perseverance over a long period of time. Constitutional Homeopathic treatment with the management of an experienced and professional Homeopath is an excellent choice for the treatment of Alopecia

Natural Treatments for Hair Fall

1. Take a spoon full of flaxseed (alsi) empty stomach with a glass of water, it contains omega 3 fatty acid which is essential for your hair growth.

2. Have one amla every morning.

3. Take at least five almonds soaked in water overnight without removing the skin.

4. Consume plenty of fluids like buttermilk, coconut water, lime juice and water. The Total fluid intake per day should be around 8-10 glasses of water.

5. If you are vegetarian then have one small bowl of pulses everyday.

6. Take at least one egg or some amount of chicken in your daily meal.

7. Take less servings of tea/coffee.

8. Have methi water empty stomach, and make a paste of methi seeds, apply all over the scalp for half an hour.

9. Use a tea spoon of lime juice for the last rinse while washing hair is equally beneficial.

10. Consume at least 2 cups of skim milk everyday.\

11. Consume Soya milk & Soya products on regular basis

12. Eat at least 2-3 fruits especially apples, strawberries, kiwis, chikoos, grapes, mangoes, papaya etc.

13. Consume foods rich in Vitamin E like groundnuts, almonds, walnuts, seafood etc should be consumed in abundance.

14. A diet rich in iron including, green leafy vegetables; millets like jowar, bajra, ragi; jaggery , dates and figs.

15. Avoid red and organ meats. Choose egg, lean fish and chicken.

  • We believe in strong Patient-Doctor relationship and our motto is: 'Healthy People Wealthy Nation'

    Dr.GurpreetSingh MAKKAR

    Homeopathic Physician 
    Sukhmani homeopathic Multispeciality Clinic

  • Comments

    Rubbing the scalp with onion, garlic or ginger juice is also known to help reduce hair loss. Other treatments include a green tea massage and the use of henna.

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